Content Marketing & Strategy – Content Roundtable

The Coast Digital Content Roundtable was the first time we’ve hosted such an event. The day brought together a group of marketing professionals from our diverse range of clients, each from different sectors including manufacturing, telecommunications, technology, finance and customer services.

The event was held in Wallacespace Convent Garden, which provided the ideal environment, location and atmosphere. Interestingly the building itself used to be a chandelier showroom, which explains the great light!

The premise of the day was to discuss the latest views surrounding content marketing, some of the challenges it creates and also to answer the question; if there was an ideal campaign ingredient list, what would that look like?

To facilitate the sharing of ideas, four of the attendees were asked to discuss a content marketing campaign they had recently undertaken, covering off important information about goals, key successes and lessons they had learnt.

Feedback on the Event

Stephanie Henwood – Digital Marketing Manager, Morgan Advanced Materials

I Really loved the workshop today, the whole session gave me a lot to think about and I have taken a lot away with me today.

The main key learning for me is ensuring that you set SMART objectives and that you plan effectively for your campaigns. We’ve got some campaigns coming up in the future so this has given me a really good grounding going forward.

Dominic Martin  Marketing Manager, Data Track plc

I’m very impressed with the content roundtable today. I felt there was a good mix of people and it allowed us to get out of our comfort zones. It was facilitated very well and lots of good ideas were flowing back and forth. We got to hear about what other people similar to us were doing and it was helpful to inspire us with new ideas.

My key takeaway is that I think you can get into a blinkered approach in your day to day job and what’s nice about events like these is that they take you out of your comfort zone and give you some perspective and ideas you wouldn’t of thought of had you not of been involved.

Jason Elkins – Sales & Marketing Manager , EWA Ltd

It has been a really good day at the Coast Digital roundtable event, I’ve really enjoyed it. Sometimes you can feel like you’re operating in isolation in the world of marketing and it’s been great to meet a whole bunch of like minded individuals and share some opinions.

The key takeaway for me today has been measurement. Setting objectives up front, how important that is and to be realistic about them. And finally the next campaign I will be setting smart objectives!

Overall the great was a fantastic opportunity to share thoughts, ideas and experiences of content marketing. We would like to thank Patrick Harris for all of his help during the day and of course, all of the attendees without who, the event wouldn’t have been so successful.

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