Usability: How to write to be found

When I wrote about usability and writing for the web last week I focused on non-technical stuff. Today I thought I’d run through some of the more behind-the-scenes, slightly tech-y detail.

As I already said, users who are reading on the web want to achieve goals and are impatient. So it’s vital that all your content provides value and does so quickly or users will just move on.

Macrocontent – choosing the right navigation method

Really think about how you organise your content. There are multiple strategies to consider:

And it’s perfectly acceptable to use a combined approach.

Microcontent – URLs, links and captions

Google search result for Coast Digital ‘online marketing agency

Metadata – titles, headings, hidden information

All of the above will also help you to be found in search. And users are more likely to click on your entry if it seems relevant to their needs. Did you know that Google has over 26 million pages titled ‘untitled document’?

As with my last entry I credit all of the above to the Nielsen Norman Group.

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