5 ways to Optimise Your Website to Increase Email Sign Ups

When you want new leads for emailing, and you want them quick, purchasing data may seem like a good option for marketers when they are in a desperate situation. But let me tell you this –

High quality email lists for sale do not exist.


I have lost count of the amount of conversations I have had with marketers that have had bad experiences with purchased data. Unfortunately, you will never know the quality of purchased email data until you email out to it, and by then, the damage is more than likely already done. Your deliverability rates suffer, your bounce rates go through the roof, and your spam complains and unsubscribe figures rocket. On top of that, your IP reputation plummets, and your email service provider can kick you off their platform. This might sound a bit dramatic, but it absolutely happens.

Good data is essential to the success of any email campaign.

I like to educate my clients that the best data is always going to be the data that marketers collect themselves. However, increasing the amount of relevant, engaged users to your email can seem like a tough nut to crack. And the process of generating your own opt it list, (as opposed to buying or renting a list from a vendor), takes a bit more time. But if you are serious about creating a well rounded, optimised email programme, then this is time worth investing.

Everyone who visits your website is a potential prospect, making it the perfect vehicle to gain quality additions to your email list and a far better method than paying for scatter-gun lists that can harm deliverability rates.

Improving the amount of people that sign up to emails on-site is about gentle optimisation. Read on and see how the smallest tweaks can make the largest difference!

On-site email sign ups – optimise to satisfy

Far from requiring a virtual sledgehammer, cracking on-site sign ups needs little more than a bit of tender loving care – and I am here to help you understand how.

1. Have a sign up box on every page of your site

If you’re restricting yourself to having email sign up boxes solely on blog pages or just on your homepage, ask yourself why: is it only blog readers who might be interested in your mailings? Of course not! And remember people will not always be landing on your blog pages or homepage from the search engines.

Ensure that you make it as easy as possible to sign up to email communications for every visitor to your site:

2. Tailor the sign up copy appropriately

Another great way of boosting the effectiveness of your email sign ups is to tailor the copy to the specific page the user is on.

3. Consider a dedicated sign up page on site

Don’t make people take you at face value as to the quality of your emails – let them see for themselves!

A dedicated sign-up page gives you the chance to visually showcase the benefits of your emails and set expectations. Importantly, this page also acts as an important marketing vehicle for social media and other channels:

4. Consider incentivising the sign up process

If you have traditionally struggled with low sign up rates from your website, it is worth considering incentivising your email sign ups.

This doesn’t have to involve anything drastic – but by offering visitors a carot to sign up, this could be the gentle persuasion they need to hand over their email address. And by carrot, we don’t mean a free vegetable either:

5. Use social proof

Social proof is, in its simplest guise, where person X assumes the actions of person Y in order to reflect correct behaviour for a situation.

You can use social proof to increase the amount of sign ups.

Looking for more top tips to improve the overall health of your email campaigns? Stay tuned to the Coast Digital blog for part two in our email marketing series, titled ‘Using Social Media to Promote Email Growth’

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